( 2 Fin Set ) FCS Compatible – Solid Fiberglass: 2.37″ Bonzer Side Bites with 2 tabs. With True Ames focus on fin exploration, we are happy to offer Bonzer 5 template runners in a side bite option. The fins are made using the Campbell Bros B5 template and have 19° of cant already built in to the tabs in order to replicate the angle used for the glass-on version.
The shallow depth combined with the wide base and extreme cant make this a great option for 2+1 experimentation. From mid-lengths, to stubbies, to gliders, these are a versatile side bite that offer a unique feel.
HEIGHT: 2.37″ / 58 mm
BASE: 4.75″ / 121 mm
AREA: 7.60″² / 49.07 cm²
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